About Plaid Shirt Farms


Plaid Shirt Farms Ltd is a quality grower of Ontario Black Currants and Haskap berries. We have chosen the best tasting, highest quality berries we could find. Best of all, Black Currants and Haskaps are full of Vitamin C, antioxidants and minerals! Black Currants and Haskap berries go into making the finest, full-bodied preserves; jams/spreads, chutneys, sauces and juice, all bursting with bold flavours for you to enjoy.

Farmer(s) Patricia van Diepen & Warren Strong
Address 225804 Otterville Road
Otterville ON N0J 1R0
Our Products Black currants and Haskap berries
Our Practices Integrated Pest Management Plan
Our Markets Bloor.Borden & East Lynn MyMarkets (Toronto) via Godelie Farms
Phone 519-719-9458
Website http://plaidshirtfarms.com
Email info@plaidshirtfarms.com
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