About Murray’s Farm


Murray’s Farm pork is a cut above the rest. A nose-to-tail producer, owner (and head pig wrangler), Murray Thunberg, and Murray’s right hand man (and calf whisperer) Troy, tend registered herds of rare and heritage hog breeds: Gloucestershire Old Spot, Herefords, Berkshires, Tamworths and British Saddlebacks.

Murray pasture-raises approximately 400 head per year, while also producing pastured eggs, some heritage poultry, and a variety of fresh vegetables and fruit.

Farmer(s) Murray Thunberg
Address 399 Kossuth Road, R. R. 21
Cambridge ON N3C 2V3
Our Products Pastured Heritage Pork and Turkey, Grade A Heritage Eggs, traditional pickles and canned products, apples and a variety of fresh vegetables.
Our Practices Non-certified organic. Sustainable & Traditional
Our Markets East Lynn Park & Liberty MyMarkets, Evergreen Brickworks, Withrow Park, Cabbagetown, Dundas and Waterdown Farmers’ Markets. Sell products to a variety of restaurants and retail stores
Phone 647-880-8019
Website http://www.murraysfarm.ca
Facebook Visit Facebook page
Email murraythunbreg@primus.ca
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