About Mattagami Heights Limousin Farms


“Agriculture is very important to the economy of the community,” notes Noella as she comments on the decision she made in the 1980s to assume responsibility for the family farm. Today, the 160 acre spread is home to a herd of Limousin cattle that thrives on the farm’s pastures without the use of antiobotics, hormones or corn. The ancient Limousin breed is acclaimed for its adaptability and managea bility and, very importantly, its lean, tender meat. The Farrell family is therefore able to confidently invite area consumers to “savour the taste of locally grown, grass-fed, lean beef” from Mattagami Heights Limousin Farms.

Farmer(s) Noella, Danny, Bailey, Natalie & Armanda Farrell
Address 645 Sandy Falls Rd
Timmins ON P4N 7C3
Our Products grass-fed beef: choice cuts, freezer orders
Our Practices 100% grass-fed Limousin herd, no hormones, no antibiotics, no corn, local abattoir
Our Markets phone orders, Mountjoy Farmers’ Market, Timmins Farmers’ Market, Urban Park Farmers’ Market
Phone 705-268-1065
Website http://www.tasteoftimmins.com
Email noellalimo@hotmail.com
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