About Martin’s Fruit & Vegetable Farm


“We eat what we grow,” declares Martin, proud of the fact that his children can safely enjoy produce directly from the garden without concerns about chemical contamination. A graduate in Economics & Resource Management & with a diploma in Horticulture & Field Crops, Martin believes that the farming lifestyle is perfect for families. The two acres currently under cultivation at Martin’s Fruit & Vegetable Farm yield a widely diverse crop which includes heirloom tomatoes, unique potatoes, other specialty vegetables & rare fruits.

Farmer(s) Martin & Laura Oates & family
Address 207 Lake Road R.R. #4
Trent Hills ON K0K 2M0
Our Products Beans, beetsd, cabbage, carrots, sweet corn, cucumbers, gourds, okra, peppers, potatoes, pumpkins, radishes, rutabaga/turnips, squash, tomatoes, zucchini, grapes, chums,
Our Practices Organic pesticide, green manure, modest use of water-soluble granular fertilizer, well-water trickle irrigation
Our Markets Peterborough Wednesday Farmers’ Market, various restaurants, farm gate
Phone 705-653-0389
Email martin_fruitandveggies@hotmail.com
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