About Jerry’s Berries Raspberry Farm


“Our farm has been in our family for over 30 years. It’s great to grow something that puts a smile on people’s faces,” says Jerry Bargeman. Jerry and his wife Glenda took over the family farm a few years ago and take pride in growing tasty berries that people enjoy year after year. “It takes a lot of effort and care to get a good quality product, but there’s a lot of satisfaction in it,” he says. Retired now, Jerry enjoys working his roadside stand and market stall, and while his days are longer, he’s never been more content.

Farmer(s) Jerry Bargeman
Address 2753 Governors Road
Lynden ON L0R 1T0
Our Products Summer & fall-bearing raspberries
Our Practices Conventional, as natural as possible
Our Markets Ancaster, Dundas, Locke Street (Hamilton) Farmers' Market, farm gate
Phone 519-647-2815
Website http://www.jerrysberries.ca
Email jerrybargeman@gmail.com
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