About Gwen’s Garden Produce


Gwen’s Garden Produce began as a summer job at the age of 16. It was an add-on to the family’s retail freezer meat and maple syrup operation.  For more ten years now, the operation has expanded to farmers’ markets and a successful CSA program.  Everything is grown on the family century farm using organic techniques, specializing in unique and colourful varieties of vegetables.


Farmer(s) Gwen Williamson
Address 9129 Army Camp Road
Lambton Shores ON N0M 1J0
Our Products Spinach, lettuce, mixed salad greens (arugula, peppergrass), herbs, radishes, rutabaga/turnips, kale, broccoli, corn salad (mache)
Our Practices Non-certified organic
Our Markets Lambton Shores (Grand Bend & Forest), Petrolia, Point Edward Moolight Farmers' Markets
Phone 519-617-4208
Website http://www.gwensgardenproduce.ca
Facebook Visit Facebook page
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Email gwensgardenproduce@gmail.com
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