About Fekete Produce Farm


“We are a 3rd generation family-run farm producing quality seasonal vegetables,” is Carolyn’s description of their market garden operation. Along with cultivating some 20 acres of field crops, a 4000 square foot greenhouse dramatically expands the growing season and enables a harvest that is welcomed by shoppers at the year-round Kitchener market. Steven enthusiastically notes that increased promotion around buying local’ has resulted in a dramatic increase in sales and in consumers’ interest in becoming personally acquainted with the farmer who is producing the food that they are purchasing.

Farmer(s) Steven & Carolyn Fekete, Jillian & Ethan
Address 32 Tenth Conc. Rd
Burford ON N0E 1A0
Our Products wide variety of vegetables, bedding plants, annuals, hanging baskets
Our Practices conventional, crop rotation
Our Markets Kitchener Farmers’ Market
Phone 519 449 1663
Website http://www.empirevalleyfarms.com
Email feketeproduce@hotmail.com
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